candie's website . . .
likes being carried, skinship, cloudy days, comfy clothes, art of ocs, rainbows, pastel, attention |
dislikes school, exercise, humidity, insects, bugs, exercise, food (picky eater) socialising, annoying ppl, pictures |
favorites games sky: cotl webtoons watermelon, lumine, castle swimmer, daybreak, suitor armor, the blind prince + more artists baby bugs, mom (devi mccallion), crywank, lauv, nf, underscores, role model, eden + more |

DNI : I absolutely do not condone terfs, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, mysogynists, xenophobia, and any hateful group under the sun. Do not send me unsolicited advertisements, or start calls without permission. I block people back (mutual block).
BYF : Before interacting with me, please be noted that I do not respond to empty chat requests. I delete chats with strangers I don't recognise unless you state what you you need within the first few messages.Note that I flirt jokingly. It is not serious. Do not persue a romantic interest with me online. I am not interested. Joke flirting back back is perfectly acceptable but do not make s*xual or serious romantic advances.I make typos often, I don't correct myself if I think what I meant to type is obvious. I type informally, use caps frequently (emphasis / expressing excitement), may sound angry or aggro (I'm not). I rarely use tone tags (except /s + srs), I make kys/kms jokes with close friends. I only use she/he/they pronouns for other people.
Please confront me directly if I make you uncomfortable. I am socially inept and have no social awareness. If you choose not to communicate your issues with me, with me, then I will take it personally. You do not have an obligation if neither of us are established friends.My boundaries are quite loose. If we are friends I will tell you. If you display negative signs when being confronted, I will not do so. If I consider you a friend, but you don't feel the same way, tell me in advance.I prefer texting in group chats. I tend to be very dry in direct messages. I will not text first, sorry. I rarely keep up in DMs or text often. It's not personal. I don't have object permanence. Sometimes I will dislike you just because we don't click, that is fine too. Feel free to ask, I'll tell you. Sometimes I will ignore DMs if I don't have the energy to talk. I will always respons eventually, message me again if I forgot and didn't respond for over a day.I clear DMs/chats every now and then. If it is a private group chat, feel free to ask me if I left accidently/why I left. You can always DM me (again) if we were having a conversation before. DNI does not apply if we are friends/mutuals or I interact first.
credits :

custom carrd by alloween !
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